Dual Coding

A picture is worth even more with words.

What is it?

With the Dual Coding skill, you combine visual information with verbal or written words. For example, a diagram with labels, a chart with an explanation or more creative things like comics.

Why is it Effective?

How to Use

  • Create Flashcards with pictures on one side and text on the other.
  • Look for visuals in your class materials. Compare the visuals to text information and make sure you see the connection. Ask questions if you can’t see the connection.
  • Draw images to go along with your notes. Make sure the visuals connect to your written notes. When to Use
  • If the material you’re learning already comes with visuals, use this and make the connection to written materials.
  • This skill can be useful when learning material that has a process or is focused around concrete items (biology, geometry, web page)
  • It also works for abstract concepts that you can organize with a timeline or diagram

Tips & Tricks

  • Don’t worry about your drawing skills. It’s only important that you understand what the images mean and their connection to the words.
  • Match the kind of thing you’re learning to the type of drawing: timeline for processes and time-based events, diagram for parts of a whole, mind-map for related concepts.
  • Create flash cards with images on one side and the description on the other and quiz yourself by looking at the images and recalling the description.




Study Strategies: Dual Coding

Podcasts and web sites